The Beloved story...
Beloved Restoration is a women's only faith based 12-step recovery meeting. All women are welcome to join our meetings no matter what they are struggling with. This includes alcohol, drugs, codependency, shopping, anxiety, eating disorders, sex and love addiction or an adult child of a dysfunctional home, or currently supporting a partner, spouse or child the struggles. Our recovery meetings are a fellowship of women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other, in hopes that with God's help and each other, we can recover from those areas that are causing bondage. Beloved meetings are a safe place for women to share authentically and vulnerably.
Hear from the founder of Beloved Restoration:
Beloved Meetings
Currently we run four weekly Beloved Recovery Meetings in Santa Cruz County.
Monday 10-11:30am - Twin Lakes Church in Aptos both live and zoom More information
Wednesday 9-10am - Gateway Bible Church. More information
Thursday 7-8:15pm - Vintage Faith Church in Santa Cruz More information
Thursday 6:30-8pm - Venture Christian Church both live and zoom. More information
- All women are welcome to join these meetings whether they struggle from the bondage of codependency, anxiety, drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, sex and love or support a spouse, child or friend or family member that struggles with addiction.
Beloved Team
Natalie Bradley
More information at info@belovedrestoration.orgFounder & Director Beloved Restoration
Natalie Bradley lives in Santa Cruz, California with her husband of 18 years, Dave, and their 4 children. Natalie is the founder and Executive Director for Beloved Restoration Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to stand in the gap for women in crisis and provide an environment where they can find lasting restoration. Natalie has been leading Beloved Recovery meetings at local churches in Santa Cruz for the past 4 years. Natalie loves spending time with her family, is a country girl at heart, will drink good coffee at all hours of the day, and tries to get out and enjoy the great outdoors as often as possible.
Heidi Heath Garwood
Board Member
Heidi and her husband, Dick live on the coast in Aptos, California. Heidi ran a successful graphic design business for over 30 years, and continues to do work for local businesses and ministries. Heidi is a dog lover, she finds great joy in painting watercolor animal portraits. She says, "I love to capture the love shared between the dog and their owner through portraiture." In addition Heidi is an author, a grandma to 3 wonderful grandsons.
Heidi is committed to God and to her journey to sobriety - and sharing both freely. She has an infectious smile, the warmest hugs, and a huge heart for women who are struggling in addiction. If you want to follow Heidi's blog or purchase one of her books you can find more information here.
Nini Lettner
Board Member
Nini Lettner has been serving at Vintage Faith church since 2007 and been on staff since August 2010 in a variety of roles. She is the Director of VFC's Ministry for Women and Communications. She also helps organize and implement special projects at VFC. She is a graduate of San Jose State University and has spent time living and working in New Zealand where she met and married her Austrian-born husband Markus in 2004 at Raglan Beach. Together they have two children, Analise and Jameson, an English lab named Bentley James, and an orange tabby cat, Kevin. Nini enjoys spending time with her family, deep friendships, serving others, eating sushi, dumb jokes, and watching Jeopardy!
Liz Ditty
Board Member
Liz is a trained Spiritual Director and the Director of Women's Reflective Retreats at Mount Hermon Christian Camp. She is the author of God's Many Voices: Learning to Listen, Expectant to Hear as well as a Bible Study on prayer that is coming soon from InterVarsity Press. Her writing is featured in The Message Bible for Women in addition to other print and online publications. She has spoken nationally in churches, prisons, for army bases and spiritual retreats. She loves teaching the Bible in a way that inspires others to experience the goodness of God in their everyday lives. Liz is a Silicon Valley native who lives with her husband, two children, and feisty pup in Los Gatos, California.
Cassie Hannan
Board Member
Cassie and her husband Doug reside in Santa Cruz where they enjoy life with their fluffy pomeranian Buster Brown. Cassie likes all things with sun and water. Boating, jet skis, fishing, and the delta have been a large part of her life for many years. Now bike riding along the coast and being among God’s creation in the surrounding area brings her much joy and energizes her for her weekday responsibilities. Cassie also loves to cook,entertain and host events. Recently she became interested in plant based meal prep and eating. Health and fitness are important
to her. She loves home decor, design, and different mediums that display her unique and eclectic style and personality. But Cassie’s biggest passion and fulfillment comes from seeing women transformed by the grace of God. Over the last 23 years she has dedicated her life to be used by the Lord. Cassie has been involved in ministry leadership and various recovery ministries with emphasis on women’s discipleship. She is a lover of women. And enjoys
partnering with them so they can achieve spiritual growth and freedom through personally developing and nurturing a dependence on Christ. Cassie loves people and hearing their story is always her goal. -
Terry Johnson
Finance Manager & Board Member
Terry had the privilege of working alongside her husband Rob, on their Christmas tree farm where they invited the public to cut their own tree and make family memories. In addition, they hosted school children to visit on field trips where city kids got to experience a little bit of country life. After an early retirement they continue to live on their property in Boulder Creek, CA where they raised their two sons. Fortunate to have 2 wonderful daughters-in-love and three beautiful granddaughters, life is full of adventure (and more girls to balance out their boy-heavy childrearing years!). Terry loves to hike, travel, bake and spend time with friends. With Rob, she serves in the local community and for 19 years served with an International Ministry. She has experienced God's grace in her life and wants others to experience what it's like to be loved, cherished and forgiven by Jesus.